August Releases
We have a new Minotaur in Wargamesculptor minatures, a Japanese Gate in Oriental Scenery, and a Dragon emerging from well in Dragon Scenery
We have a new Minotaur in Wargamesculptor minatures, a Japanese Gate in Oriental Scenery, and a Dragon emerging from well in Dragon Scenery
Today we have stock of a new release Werewolf by Red Star Coven
July’s Releases are a pair of temple dogs in our statues section and a Dragon emerging from pool in our dragon scenery section
This month see’s a big release for us with our sea dragon being the first model in our own range of miniatures. We also have two scenery releases this month with Predator Shrooms and an oriental statue
We have added two new fortress pack deals into the Walls and Fortification section of our online store
This months releases sees a Digestion Pit in Alien Terrain, a Natural Stone Arch/Bridge in Rocks and Craters, and a Man Eating Plant in our jungle bases
Have set a competition on cool mini or not to win a copy of our sea dragon which is the start of our own miniature line
Since premiering our new range of Rogue Robots on Jet Bike at Salute 2014 they are now available in the store under Red Star Coven Miniatures
Since premiering our new coloured options for our Crystal range at Salute 2014, they are now all available in our online store
This months new releases are a Dragon Egg Nest, Large Natural Arch and a Rotary Cannon Sentry Gun all available from our online store now